As the year comes to a close, I wish all of you the very best holiday season with your family and friends. I hope you were able to achieve your fitness, racing and life goals in 2016. If not let me know and I will offer some ideas and suggestions for 2017!

2017 will mark a first for the ultra triathlon world and for all of the close family of athletes, race directors, friends and “super crews”, we will have 3 separate DECA Ironman (DECA) competitions! If you are not familiar, there are two different formats to the DECA, the Classic and the 1 per day format. The Classic Deca consists of a continuous effort with the clock not stopping until 14 days or 336 hours have ended – 24 miles of swimming (pool), 1,120 miles biking and finally filled by 10 marathons, 262 mile run.   The 1×10 format consists of an Ironman (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) each day for 10 days and a time limit of 24 hours per day to complete each individual Ironman.



The most exciting component for the ultra triathlon family is that the Classic DECA is finally back!. The race requires massive time commitment, organization and costs to host the event. It’s non-stop for 14 days with full service restaurant, volunteers, timing, lap counting, medical and a host of other items to have the race.   I want to personally thank each race director and respective organization for committing to host these fine events as it’s an overwhelming task!

The 2017 DECA Iron Race Lineup is as follows (I will race all three of the events as it’s Triple DECA #2 and hoping we get some more to attempt them all!):

#1 Aug. 16, 2017 Switzerland Classic Deca 24 mile swim, 1,120 mile bike, 262 mile run (there is also a 1X10 version)

#2 Oct. 4, 2017 DECA UK 1 Ironman a day for 10 days format

#3 Oct. 15, 2017 Mexico Classic Deca 24 mile swim, 1,120 mile bike, 262 mile run

If you have any questions regarding the events – the DECA is a life changing race (yes I am biased and it’s my favorite along with many others), and DECA coaching plans please don’t hesitate to email me at