The concept of keeping a regular gratitude journal has been around a long time, so it’s nothing that new, but have you considered a regular practice into your normal daily routine. The one benefit by keeping a Gratitude Journal is that you will become more positive.

Personally, when things don’t go according to plan and I feel down, get stuck, too much negative noise, I go back to adding journal entries related to gratitude. Gratitude journaling improves my mood and relaxes my mind.


In the world constant negativity, media, politics and personal life challenges, the gratitude journal offers a written version of being mindful – for those of you who practice yoga, meditation, mindfulness, controlled breathing, etc. If you regularly journal, consider the idea of adding a section in your journal only for gratitude.


There are numerous ways to begin with a regular exercise of journaling. Consider the following 20 ideas and give it a try:


  1. Start with the words – “I am grateful that today….”
  2. Consider a person you met yesterday
  3. Look around you when you journal for items that you might be grateful for
  4. Most of the time you might include a person with respect to being grateful, make sure you detail the entry about the person
  5. If you have the tendency to write about the same people, focus on something different to be grateful for vs. repeating the same items.
  6. You can consider being grateful for things that are right in front of you.   People are a better and more meaningful.
  7. Think about things you have received, including the negative outcomes you
  8. Enjoy the good emotions that come from being thankful.
  9. Don’t overdo it – you don’t need to write every day and many studies show that it is more beneficial to write a few times per week vs. every day.
  10. You will notice over time a reduction of stress by keeping the gratitude journal.
  11. The journal will keep you focused on what matters and reduce the negative noise.
  12. Consider writing down 3-5 things you are grateful for with each journal entry.
  13. Journal at a time that is right for you – it does not need to be at 4AM or only in the evening before bed.
  14. Spend no more than 15 minutes and free flow the writing. It should not be a chore.
  15. Consider thinking of just 3 things when journaling – people, places, food and you will have plenty to write about.
  16. Make a decision to not just go through the motions but to be more grateful in your life.
  17. Mix up the journal entries every day – one day considers people, the next days consider things that happened the day before, and the next day considers what might happen that day.
  18. Consider adding in a picture or receipt of a great event into your journal, you don’t have to write every day.
  19. Use a pen and paper vs. the typical electronic journaling for a change.
  20. Be grateful for challenges, rain, sun, a new poem, the ability to do a running race, etc.


Most experts suggest 21 days to form a habit, my recommendation is 30 days. Consider journaling for a month and only 3 times per week and see what happens.   You will be surprised, as you will feel different, become more positive and a better outlook on everything in life. Focused gratitude journaling will make you feel better.