After hearing from my employees and readers over the last several years commenting on my blog, it’s time to finally summarize the best of the best blog posts in one eBook. These 70 short chapters will highlight the most popular blogs from the last 12 years. The most important component is that this summary will add value to your life and business. If you implement one of the ideas, it might be life changing just as it has been for our family, friends, colleagues and team members.

“Unstoppable Curiosity – Success Ideas for Life and Business” is broken down into the following categories:

  • Business Tips and Tactics
  • Your Own Gigging and Grinding
  • Personal Development
  • Endurance Racing Lifestyle

I never like to spend much time on “I” but for context and background, the following might frame some of my personal expertise that will be highlighted in Unstoppable Curiosity – Success Ideas for Life and Business eBook

Over the last 30 years, I have lived, worked and adventured in many locations around the world. These are just a few of the locations: London, Belize, Canada, Mexico, Greece, Italy, Singapore, Germany, Brazil, Panama, Switzerland, Ecuador along with working with clients in all 50 states of the US.


Some of this time away from home has been related to volunteer activities, endurance races and my daily business life in the investment and tax consulting industries. The best thing of all the business and adventure travel is that it provides differences in cultures that can directly impact future thinking and opportunities.

The education and learning from all these clients, associates, friends and most important family has as been passed along via the blog posts. As an avid reader and a host of mentors over the last 30 years, my key is to actually try to implement the wisdom I have learned from others into future opportunities and attacking new challenges.

In many of my speaking engagements, I tend to focus on my failures as much as the wins and the importance of taking risks and being fearless. There are plenty of ideas around this within the eBook to offer insights and not make the same mistakes as I have!


Personal background and experience that I use throughout Unstoppable Curiosity – Success Ideas for Life and Business

  • Capital raising success– US and outside of US for investment projects
  • Investment/Tax advisory work, which began with my time working at Arthur Andersen
  • Speaking with a host of topics for investors, community support and endurance racing
  • Bootstrapping businesses in the US and abroad and Sales 101
  • Building multiple office locations and empowering teams within US and outside US
  • Business venture and endurance journey Failures
  • Working for and consulting with Fortune 500 companies including time on Wall Street and in the Big Apple
  • Race Directing and racing endurance events in US and outside of US.
  • Volunteer work in Latin America and non-profit organization
  • Author/Results Coach
  • University Adjunct faculty member
  • India and Philippines Outsourcing

Over the years, I have had plenty of wins and failures, but the most rewarding experiences have been meeting amazing people from all walks of life and building lasting memories and relationships. I am grateful for the PEOPLE above anything else.

All proceeds from the book will be used towards potential future printing or audiobook technology costs.

I guarantee that you will find $20 of value after reading it!

Available January 2019

The first 25 orders receive the eBook for ½ price and 12 Audios for only $10

If interested in release date and ordering information, please sign up here!